“Optimizing Your Data Center Is The Way To Go”

Data failure is every business or organization’s worst nightmare… Right?  Well just this past year the average cost of a single outage was $740,000.  To help avoid these expensive and bruising catastrophes, finding smart ways to prevent data failure should be a top priority across the board.  Regularly scheduled check-ups have been the way to keep HVAC systems running smoothly by identifying and correcting issues, but what if you could reduce the likelihood of failure significantly? This being said, with data centers experiencing on average 2.5 outages per year each lasting approximately 134 minutes, one of the main concerns today is business continuity. Companies rely on their information systems for continuous operations, so finding ways to eliminate and/or reduce data center outages is a must. Regardless of what causes an outage — human error, equipment failure, external power disruption — each has the potential to inflict serious financial damage. A recent survey by CA Technologies of 200 companies across North America and Europe, to determine the cost of downtime incurred from an IT outage showed that $26.5 billion in revenue was lost each year, which comes out to an average $150,000 annual hit per business. Recent technological advances have led to a greater demand for high-end computing equipment, increasing data center’s cooling and power requirements. With a number of best practices, companies still seek to balance PUE to achieve optimal efficiencies. The unique and intricate infrastructure of a data center warrants effective, proactive maintenance to prevent costly breakdowns. Monitoring for optimal HVAC functionality and focusing on efficient data center design, is key to optimizing your data center.

-Courtesy of Opti-Cool